People In The Streets

Mike Bloor takes inspiration primarily from photographs, including those taken by his daughter 'BeckyFrances' who is an internationally recognised street photographer working in London. Hence the large proportion of paintings featuring London scenes.

From his early art college days, and even before, Mike has always portrayed people in the street going about their business. People of Mike’s vintage may remember the wonderful covers of the Saturday Evening Post or the John Bull magazine. These are his true inspiration.

Since 1977, Mike has lived in Milton Keynes and has had a varied career. After leaving school he studied Fine Art at Derby College and subsequently went on to work for Rolls-Royce as a technical artist before eventually going on to train as an art teacher. 12 years ago, Mike fell in love with art again, discovering acrylic paint for the first time and this has been his main medium ever since.

Mike is a member of the Milton Keynes Society of Artists (MKSA) and regularly exhibits with them and around the Milton Keynes area.

11am-5pm weekdays
2-30 Sept 2022